Sport Jog 2 Jikatabi Shoe White Marugo

100% white cotton.Non-slip rubber sole with an anti-shock "Jog" cushioning air cushion.Multi-sport use, walking, bodybuilding, martial arts & Ninjutsu.

Reference: Sport-jog-2-blanc1

In stock: 25

Availability: In stock, next-day shipping

79,00€ inc. tax

Sport Jog

  • Manufacturer: Marugo
  • Material: 100% cotton
  • Color : white
  • Lining: cotton


  • Traditional Japanese minimalist hybrid outdoor shoe finishing basketball "Sport" with big toe separated from other toes
  • Mixed and original Jikatabi, light, resistant and comfortable
  • designed for multi-sport use.
  • Recommended primarily for the practice of indoor sports activities, such as cardio, Fitness, Step, Modern Dance / Jazz but also Bodybuilding and Miscellaneous Martial Arts
  • Thick rubber outsole, non-slip hose mounted on a cushion of air dampening called "Jog"
  • The color of the sole is black for the model black & orange for the white model
  • rubber reinforcement at the ends of the toes for optimum protection and durability
  • optimized for the race
  • Closure: lace 

Size available: from 37.5 (22.5cm) to 43 (28cm)

Size selection: if you have large feet or plan to wear socks, please take a half size larger than yours






23.0 5 6 4 36
24 6 7 5 39
24.5 6.5 7.5 5.5 38.5
25 7 8 6 40
25.5 7.5 8.5 6.5 40.5
26 8 9 7 41
26.5 8.5 9.5 7.5 41.5
27 9 10 8 42
27.5 9.5 10.5 8.5 42.5
28 10 11 9 43
28.5 10.5 11.5 9.5 44
29 11 12 10 44
30 12 13 11 45

If you don't know your Japanese shoe size at all in cm or are hesitating in your choice,

you just need to measure your arch length
To start

  1. take a sheet of paper and a pen,
  2. then stand up and place your foot on the sheet of paper,
  3. Trace your foot with the pen, making sure the pen is always exactly perpendicular (90 degrees) to the ground.
  4. Measure the length of your foot from the heel to the tip of your big toe in centimeters and round up to the nearest size.
  5. For example, if your foot is between 28.3cm you need a 28.5cm, or if you are 28.5cm you will need a size 29 boot.

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