NinjutsuShop in Bujinkan Hombu Dojo Japan


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The reference online store high japanese quality equipment for the practice of Ninjutsu.

Luxe antique haori soie noire kenkatabami montsuki tora oeil du tigre homme4 1

Practitioners from Japan serving Ninjutsu practitioners around the world!
From Japan, as Bujinkan Ninjutsu practitioners and instructors, we fully understand the importance of owning and using reliable and authentic products to support your daily Ninjutsu training.

Why buy from NinjutsuShop?
If you claim to practice Bujinkan, Genbukan or Jinenkan Ninjutsu then you must have the bare minimum of quality Ninjutsu equipment such as an essential pair of Tabi, a keikogi and a black or green Obi belt for beginners.

Whatever your level

We also offer a wide range of must-have protective gear, such as "Tekkou" wrist protection sleeves and "Kyahan" protection leggings. With these items, you can train 0 4with confidence, apply the techniques, while preserving your physical integrity during the most intense exercises.

Explore our collection of authentic Japanese made Ninja weapons including Shurikens, BoShurikens, Gusari, Gama kunais, NinjaTo and more will be added over time. In addition, for connoisseurs and researchers, take advantage of our selection of books and DVDs in Japanese on Ninjas and Ninjutsu, which will allow you to deepen your knowledge and progress in your practice.

Browse our range of traditional clothing and accessories to complete your Ninja & Ninjutsu. From black and colored ninjutsu belts to unique items such as masks, Haori & Formal Kimono, Samue, Jinbei and Yukata, Japanese Kimono, everything you need to fully express your passion for ninja and Ninpo art.

Direct from Japan, we are committed to providing the highest quality products, not found elsewhere, to meet the needs of serious Ninjutsu practitioners around the world.

Browse our online store now and equip yourself with the authenticity and reliability you need for your training.

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